Immune Health: A Deep Dive

The immune system is an elegant and complex set of cells, proteins, and tissues designed to protect our bodies from infections, both minor and life threatening. We are born with innate immunity. Our body’s natural barriers and rapid response team provide significant protection for our relatively naïve immune system. As we are exposed to more pathogens, we develop our acquired/adaptive immune system, comprised of antibodies and other “memory” cells that allow us to mount a quick response if we encounter the pathogen again.

Both the innate and acquired immune systems are dependent upon healthy nutrition, a healthy gut microbiome, strong barrier integrity, adequate rest, and management of stress. There are compelling data for the immune benefits of a plant-rich, nutrient dense, high fiber diet. Micronutrients are critical for the health and function of both the innate and acquired immune systems. It is important to identify those children and adults who are most at risk for deficiency, how to prevent micronutrient inadequacy, and how to correct deficiencies safely and effectively.

Given that roughly 70% of our immune system resides in and around the gastrointestinal tract, it is imperative that the gut microbiome and intestinal barrier function are maintained. Probiotics can reduce the risk of allergic sensitization, the incidence and/or severity of colds, flu-like symptoms, acute infectious diarrhea, and antibiotic use in both children and adults. Which strains, dosing, and timing are all crucial for ensuring effectiveness.

Botanicals have been used for millennia to promote health and help us recover when sick. With the correct guidance (e.g., when to use, when not to use, how much to give, etc.) elderberries, echinacea, thyme, elecampane, andrographis, astragalus, reishi, garlic, ashwagandha, and others can be safely and effectively used to support our immune system throughout the year.

This is a practical webinar. Evidence is interwoven with clinical experience to provide a “how to” guide for supporting immune health across the lifespan.

Your Instructor

Tieraona Low Dog, MD
Tieraona Low Dog, MD

A Note from Tieraona

I am a physician who originally trained as an herbalist, midwife, massage therapist, and martial artist. I have been exposed to and deeply influenced by the wisdom of the grandmothers, midwives, and indigenous peoples of these lands. I have learned to gather, prepare and use the healing plants, ease the body’s pain with massage, help women bring their babies into the world, and tend to the sick. I have been at the bedside as life enters this world, and also as it leaves. I’ve sat quietly during ceremonies, taking in their mystery and wonder, witnessing the power of prayer and belief. I’ve watched as healers called upon the ancestors for strength and direction, assisted surgeons as they removed bullets and tumors, and transplanted organs, witnessed people near death in the intensive care unit walk out well a short time later, and just about everything in between.

All of these experiences, from the profoundly spiritual to the most medically advanced, have shaped my approach toward health and healing, and eventually led me to the field of integrative medicine—a discipline that melds effective natural healing methods, lifestyle, and medically proven treatments. It allows clinicians a broader way to think about the restoration of health and the prevention and management of disease.

For 15 years as Fellowship Director for the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, I helped oversee the training of more than one thousand doctors and nurses in this common sense approach to health, healing and wholeness as Now I want to share my experience and knowledge with you, so that you feel comfortable with the “how, what, when and why” of using natural therapies.

If you want a deep dive into the world of natural and integrative medicine, I invite you to join me at Medicine Lodge Ranch.

For more information about me, see:

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts when you chose to enroll. We recorded all the sessions from the original live class, so you can watch it as your schedule allows!
How long do I have access to the course?
You have unlimited access to the recording for one year - across any and all devices you own. You can watch it as many times as you want during your one year access!
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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